Yamaha mootor F150-2023
21,425 € – 26,889 €
Integrated digital electric steering.
The exciting new integrated digital electric steering system keeps everything tidier and more compact, whilst delivering smoother, more precise handling. It’s also extremely simple to link this unit to any of the Helm Master EX® systems, further enhancing the helmsman’s control and precision.
The 150hp engine has been made even more boat owners, thanks to an optional integrated hydraulic steering system. Another way to create a cleaner, tidier bilge well. Ideal for upgrades and repowers.
Yamaha’s exclusive TotalTilt™ function allows complete tilt up or down, with a simple double-push of a button. A redesigned multi-part cowling with quick-access locks allows secure, easy access for maintenance and adjustments. Finally, an optional light alerts people when the engine is running.
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Kindel kvaliteet
Turvaline ostukoht
Kliendid kiidavad
Chase down some high-power adrenaline rushes as the 150hp comes with a 4-cylinder con guration, delivering smooth acceleration. The integrated steer-by-wire helm system gives you more precise handling, a smoother experience and reduced maintenance.
This new unit o ers fresh styling and modern design, aligning the aesthetics of the Premium and HighPower segments. The design cues and graphics on this engine are all pointers to the exciting technology that lives just inside.
The 150hp engine bene ts from enhanced connectivity for greater control and con dence, linking with Helm Master EX®, Yamaha’s latest CL5 gauge and the latest drive-by-wire throttles for smooth shifting, with single and multiple engine throttles available.
- Integrated Electro-Hydraulic Steering
- Optional Integrate Hydraulic Steering
- 2.8 litre 4-cylinder DOHC 16-valve with EFI
- Digital electronic throttle and shift
- Variable Trolling RPM controls low speed operation
- Compatible with Yamaha Digital Network system
- Shift Dampener System (SDS) for smooth shifting
- Premium 5″ LCD colour screen option (F200G only)
- High output alternator (50A)
- Yamaha Customer Outboard Protection (Y-COP) option
- Optional Tilt Limiter system
- Key-less ignition option
- Integreeritud kaldepiiranguga TotalTilt™- funktsioon tagab pingutuseta paadi transportimise ja mugavuse kallutamise ajal.
- Optional Dual Battery Charging system
Tehnilised näitajad
Kaal | 224 kg |
Mootori tüüp |
4-taktiline; DOHC; ridaneli-silindriline; 16 klappi |
Kubatuur |
2785cc |
Silindrite arv ja paigutus |
4 silindrit, rida |
Mootori maksimum võimsus |
150hj @ 5,500p/min |
Maksimaalse võimsuse vahemik pööretel |
5000 – 6000p/min |
Jahutus | |
Kütusesüsteem |
EFI (elektrooniline kütuse sissepritse) |
Reduktori ülekanne |
26/14 1.86 |
Starter |
Elektrooniline süüde (TCI) |
Juhtimine |
Juhtimine juhtmetega (DBW) |
Jala trimm |
Elektriline trimmimine ja kallutamine |
Voolu väljavõte |
50A (laadimisvõimekus 31A) |
Jala pikkus |
L: 516mm, X: 643mm |

Integrated Electro-Hydraulic Steering
Electro-hydraulic steering (EHS)is now built-in to select 150hp engines. Enjoy a clean, spacious bilge with no hoses or external rams. No need for uid lling, and clean-up and no special bleeder ports or hoses. Technicians can rig EHS signi cantly faster and more easily, plus EHS equipped engines can be tted with the new optional Helm Master EX system.

16-Valve DOHC Direct-Action InLine 4
With 2 intake valves and 2 exhaust valves on each cylinder – and, with twin camshafts, each also driven independently – intake and exhaust e ciency are dramatically improved, optimising fuel use during combustion. The TCI ignition system ensures easy starting, consistency, longer plug life and – ultimately – reliability.

Optional integrated hydraulic steering.
Whether re-powering a current vessel or rigging a brand new boat; integrated hydraulic steering o ers many of the bene ts of the integrated electro-hydraulic steering such as a better, tidier appearance and quicker tting.

Electronic ‘drive-by-wire’ throttle and shift
O ering the driver simple, comfortable control, the optional Digital Network System automatically synchronises engines in twin or triple installations and o ers a one-touch Start/Stop button. Our Premium multi-function display gauge, with its 5″ LCD colour screen is another attractive option for the 150hp model.

Helm Master EX® made easy
Get going with electric key-less ignition, then dive into enhanced handling features for single and twin-engine boats with the precision joystick control system. Kick back and enjoy the view with AutoPilot and keep an easy eye on things as a light on the engine shows when the unit is in gear.

Special o set crankshaft delivers a compact design
We designed the 150hp to be ultra-compact and the special o set crankshaft and geardriven balance shaft are just two of the many technical advances pioneered by our engineers to help achieve that aim. The labyrinth exhaust system, with its watersealed outer walls make it exceptionally quiet too.
Yamaha mootorid
Yamaha päramootorid on üleilmse tunnustuse pälvinud oma töökindluse, võimsa jõudluse ja vastupidavuse näol, mis kinnitab Yamaha kui kvaliteetsete mootorite tootja mainet. Pakkudes laia valikut mootoreid alates kergekaalulistest mudelitest kuni võimsate V8 mootoriteni, vastab Yamaha igasugustele veepealsetele vajadustele.
Yamaha päramootorid esindavad brändi pühendumust innovatsioonile, kvaliteedile ja kasutajasõbralikkusele, muutes iga vees veedetud hetke meeldejäävaks ja muretuks.
Yamaha tehnika on loodud selleks, et kesta.